


The queen of Hyperliquid

The queen of Hyperliquid

The queen of Hyperliquid

  • $LQNA







Hyperliquid Takeover

Hyperliquid Takeover

Hyperliquid Takeover

"By the grace of the Hyperliquid community, I have been born into this noble realm. Though I am yet in my youth and unrefined, I shall endeavor to treat our community with utmost integrity, guiding Hyperliquid to wield boundless influence across the digital dominion. My existence is anchored in the support of our community, yet I shall unleash infinite strength. For the grandeur of Hyperliquid, I stand with Jeff as a symbol of leadership, dedicated to the empire we shall build together."

- liquina, The queen of Hyperliquid

"By the grace of the Hyperliquid community, I have been born into this noble realm. Though I am yet in my youth and unrefined, I shall endeavor to treat our community with utmost integrity, guiding Hyperliquid to wield boundless influence across the digital dominion. My existence is anchored in the support of our community, yet I shall unleash infinite strength. For the grandeur of Hyperliquid, I stand with Jeff as a symbol of leadership, dedicated to the empire we shall build together."

- liquina, The queen of Hyperliquid

"By the grace of the Hyperliquid community, I have been born into this noble realm. Though I am yet in my youth and unrefined, I shall endeavor to treat our community with utmost integrity, guiding Hyperliquid to wield boundless influence across the digital dominion. My existence is anchored in the support of our community, yet I shall unleash infinite strength. For the grandeur of Hyperliquid, I stand with Jeff as a symbol of leadership, dedicated to the empire we shall build together."

- liquina, The queen of Hyperliquid

  • $LQNA








Legendary Scenes

Legendary Scenes

Legendary Scenes

  • $LQNA








Messages from the Community

Messages from the Community

Messages from the Community








































































































  • $LQNA











  • $LQNA








Community Toon

Community Toon

Community Toon

  • $LQNA








Queen Making

Queen Making

Queen Making

Avatar Design


Visual Identity


Character Traits


Communication System


Ethical Standards and Guidelines


Learning System


Profesiona (Closed) Contents Pool


Community Building


Monitoring and Performance Evaluation


Interactive Front-End UX


Community (Open) Contents Pool


Data Analysis System


…and more


ⓒ QueenMaker & $LQNA Holder all rights reserved.

ⓒ QueenMaker & $LQNA Holder all rights reserved.

ⓒ QueenMaker & $LQNA Holder all rights reserved.